About MHFM.Email
Most Holy Family Monastery
MHFM.Email is a website owned by Most Holy Family Monastery.
Visit our main website for more information: vaticancatholic.com
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Most Holy Family Monastery
4425 Schneider Rd, Fillmore, NY, 14735, USA
TOLL FREE: 800-275-1126
PHONE: 585-567-4433
E-MAIL: mhfm1@aol.com
WEBSITE: vaticancatholic.com
Thank you for all the tremendous work you continue to do, for your prayers and charity, and in making known the absolute necessity of holding the Catholic Faith...
Elisabeth M
I initially came across your information circa 2009 when I was in college and blessed that I did. It is the best news source available without doubt.
I have been praying all 15 decades of the Rosary... I am also referring people to your website and have ordered materials from you in order to give to people...